Editor’s Letter

October 10, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Hey everybody – welcome to the re-launch issue of I AM!

When Tiffany first approached me this summer with the offer of joining the I AM team, I was floored. Why? Because we as a generation spend too much time caught up in our own worlds to stop and look around. I AM will hopefully provide a space where we all can take some time to learn about each other and the world we live in.

This issue in particular really speaks to that hope as we have a wide range of op-ed pieces that really provide windows into our contributors’ respective worlds. From the city of Paris, to the streets of Amagansett, NY, not only do we cover a lot of ground this issue, but we also provide perspectives on such topics as: dining alone, foreign volunteerism, how we construct our identities, and much more.

Finally, in honor of New York City – the true home of I AM, we’ve devoted this issue’s lookbooks to the city that never sleeps. Hopefully you’ll be able to appreciate this incredible city through our talented stylists and photographers!

Tiffany and I have worked hard to cull the crowds for their stories and opinions and we hope you enjoy reading the resulting pieces as much as we did!


Felicity C. Sundlun
[email protected]
Managing Editor

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